Sunday 4 March 2012

Occupy the White House

It occurred to me recently that reform is impossible with the people we have elected; obviously our government works for the 1%. One of the best candidates we have for president is Buddy Roemer, but the system is so corrupt that they don't allow him in the debates with one pretext or another; besides, the elections could be rigged.

Therefore, I propose organizing a massive walk to Washington to ask for Obama's resignation. We elected him to work for us and instead he is working for the corporate oligarchy; it is our constitutional right to replace him at any time. They did it in Egypt. We can do it here!

We choose a date and depart from New York, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego to meet in Washington DC at another set date (we can use vehicles part of the way if necessary). By the time we get there, enlisting occupiers along the way, we should number on the thousands. And we occupy until we install a new president and replace the Federal Reserve System (a banking cartel that stole our government in 1913 - it is unconstitutional) Please check: The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second look at the Federal Reserve, by G Edward Griffin.

It is paramount to do this because there is overwhelming e v i d e n c e that 9/11 was an inside job ( AE 9/11 Truth ) which means that our political system is so corrupt that it would be impossible to start our new country without cleaning house and bringing the guilty to justice, and no system can exist long without justice... justice for all!

Besides, without a clean-up, an honest president would be thrown into a nest of vipers and his chances to survive would be slim. If you have any doubt that JFK was assassinated by the 1%, I suggest reading: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why he Died and why it matters. By James Douglass.

Native Americans should be invited to participate in this march as they have been immorally ignored and marginalized for too long. It is time for them to claim their right place in our society. We can learn much from their culture.

And we must keep in mind that the reason the 1% is in power is the apathy and lack of caring of the 99%. When we loose our virtue we are easy prey for vipers. It is a must to realize that everything is interconnected and we are all part of a Whole, and when we help others we help ourselves. What would the world be like if when we get up in the morning our first thought would be to help others... do unto others what is best for them?

That said, for the occupy movement failure is not an option, for if the movement fails the future is bleak indeed; what the corporate oligarchy is doing is not only serious, it is e v i l.

Let's get it done!

S (Rio) Guzman is the author of A Vagabond in Mexico published originally by Nomads Press in 1993; and also The Eye of the Dragon: Stalking Castaneda published Nov 21 2011. To know more please visit: Rio Guzman's Journal S (Rio) Guzman Copyright © 2009. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached

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