Sunday 18 March 2012

Improving Higher Education Quality Program in Vietnam

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Saturday 17 March 2012

Basic Engine Tune-Up Avoids Costly Auto Repair

For most of us, the thought of having to take our car or truck into an auto repair shop brings dreaded dollar bills to mind. Most accredited garages will give you a fair price on parts and labor, but the majority of tasks that need to be performed by professionals will not necessarily be cheap. Instead of taking your car or truck in after it has been fixed, it is in your best interest to perform a relatively simple engine tune-up on a regular basis. This can help fix small problems before they become large and expensive problems. It will also help you to get to know your car better so you will be more informed if you have to speak to a technician about auto repair details.

There are a few very simple and basic steps you can follow to help you avoid expensive auto repair. It is important to note that all activities should be performed on a cold engine after it has been turned off and sat for some time. When you open the hood, the most important parts to locate are the air filter, distributor cap, spark plugs, and rotor. The air filter is the easiest to replace and should be removed regularly or when it starts to look dirty.

Vacuum out the air filter box and install a new version for $10. Next, remove the spark plugs from the wires and use a ratchet or spark plug socket to remove it from the cylinder head. Thread a new spark plug in place and tighten with the ratchet and socket. Repeat these steps for each spark plug in turn. Lastly, if your vehicle has a distributor cap, remove the cap and replace the rotor. A new cap can be installed as well, but it is important not to mix up the wires from the cap to the rotor or vice versa.

Take the time to perform a regularly scheduled engine tune-up and it will save you time and money in the long run. You will improve your vehicle's overall fuel performance and extend the longevity of the vehicle. You will be able to get more miles out of your trusty car and spend less money in the end. Plus, you will have the inherent satisfaction of knowing that you are taking care of your belongings and learning more in the process. Spark plugs, air filter, and rotor replacement are simple things that can help you avoid costly auto repair.

Maple Shade auto repair specialists are able to take care of your car for regular check-ups if you're uninterested or unwilling to get under the hood. Learn more about their services by visiting:

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Select and Organize Internet Information for Better Retrieval and Use

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Auto Glass and Windshield Replacement Versus Repair

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Reading: Its Golden Virtues and Hidden Dangers

There are few leisure activities that nourish and enrich the human mind as much as reading. It brings its wonderful lovers into rich and far-flung places without ever making a single step; but, unfortunately, many have abandoned this most marvelous pastime. Others, sheared of the critical cornerstones of elementary learning, have not been able to avail themselves to this most wonderful human recreation.

This article's arch objectives are to explain and demonstrate the golden beauty and wonderful benefits of reading; to warn readers about the ever lurking danger of devouring harmful, polluted literary materials that are not only destructive to them, but to society as well; and to encourage society to dive headlong into the refreshing pool of good reading and enjoy that hidden world of beauty and wonder that lies behind the pages of good, wholesome writing.

The world of warm, inspiring reading is an endless train of beautiful, enriching academic thought that cleanses, nourishes, strengthen, and polishes the magnificent gem of the human mind. There is nothing in the world that is as powerful and rich as the mind of man. It is replete with natural gifts, talents, and skills. Few people really realize how much power and potential are stored right in the treasury of their minds. Many wander from place to place looking feverishly for happiness, prosperity, wealth, and meaning to their empty existence without realizing that all they have ever needed and will ever desire is all stored right there in the quaint archive and golden vault of their minds. All people in the world were born wealthy: The wealth is in their minds; but, because they do not understand this aspect of life's tenebrous mystery, many die as paupers when indeed they should have led a life of wealth, splendor, luxury, prosperity, and pomp. A casual glance at the world's big shots overwhelmingly verifies this simple, yet often overlooked, fact that all human beings were born rich. This solemn and most crucial point is mentioned at this juncture to underscore the fact that good, wholesome reading nourishes, enlightens, and polishes the often coarse-looking pearl of the human mind. Once the pearl is properly fed with the nourishing aliments of good reading and polished with clean, positive, wholesome thoughts; the gems that it contains begin to shine and once seemingly worthless, empty lives bloom with grace, talent, and hitherto undiscovered potential.

What dramatic transformation that reading and its tremendously empowering capability impart to those who find the time to sit somewhere and just read good, quality content. But despite all the beautiful virtues of reading, it is rather consequential to be cognizant of the ever lurking dangers that hide behind the seemingly tame pages of books. While reading is such a precious, priceless pearl and delicious nutrition for the mind; consuming unwholesome reading materials is a poisonous germ with terrifying capabilities and ruinous consequences: It can destroy you and the entire world around you. Society and the world are fraught with people who have been brainwashed by the false socialization of public education, organized religion, and destructive politics controlled by clandestine societal institutions. In this regard, it is very important to connect with, and read content that delivers undisguised truth-watch what you read! Folks, the world that you think you have known so well is not the world that exists out there. Things are not what they seem to be: The world is an optical illusion filled with guileful and deceptive people who serve the darker side things; but you do not know that, and you take things at face value, missing the whole point to be very cautious about the world and its dashing philosophy of fun and a good time.

There are sharp, hidden nails behind the screen of the wonderful time that the world so often glibly promises people. When you look around at this world, you certainly do not see a world filled with people having such a marvelous time as is portrayed on television and in the movies. They hide the broken noses and battered cheeks of abused women and the pathetic corpses of drunk drivers who lost control of their automobiles on the highway coming home. It is all a charade that they do not want you to see and know. There is a cover up in this world, and not many know that the whole thing is a mirage-a lie that is very well told by the rich and famous of this world. This is not to scare you, but to simply warn you to beware of what you read, for all books are not created equal. The world is replete with brainwashing institutions whose principal goal is to distort, corrupt, and destroy your mind. As you look around today in society today, you cannot help but notice a world that is unraveling at its seams and rapidly falling apart. The massive pillars of world society are crumbling because the masses of the earth have been brainwashed by false, empty beliefs; fraud-driven, corrupt societal institutions; and crooked, mercenary politicians drunk with greed and lust and sin. These corrupt, public officials; obsessed and possessed with themselves and the devil are part of a venal machinery in this world that have flatly rejected the truth and have hauled away the teeming masses of the earth into the howling chasm of destruction.

These unfortunate consequences have sprung from the consumption of large amounts of false, poisonous literature. The earth's masses have devoured the wrong reading materials; they have read the wrong books-books filled with tort and vile contents that have poisoned their minds and the very soul of the earth. Against this backdrop, this writer would like to encourage you to dive headlong into the refreshing, pristine stream of good, morally safe reading. There are many good reading materials out there. Whatever pollutes and drives people to kill themselves and vast numbers of others could never be good for the human race, regardless of its religious origin. Turning massive crowds of innocent people into gruesome heaps of shrapnel, blood, flesh, and shredded bones could never be good for the human race under any circumstances whatsoever.

People ought to read good, salubrious materials like the Bible, works by French star writer Albert Camus, and the many great books of the Victorian Age. These wonderful books would take you back to a world that was saner, safer, and much more delightful than the one in which you live today. Additionally, this writer also advises you to explore this particular stream of thought and its unique, novel spin of how the world works. Contrary to the tremendously damaging effects of vile, poisonous reading that corrupts the mind; good reading nourishes, strengthens, motivates, and inspires the mind to do great things and affect the world in a wonderful way. It enables one to think for himself and to make decisions that would impact his life and the world in a positive way. This is the reason that reading wholesome, well balanced content is so crucial to a healthy, happy life and safe, secure society.

Unfortunately, for as much as the world's peoples have been brainwashed and misled by the vulpine, clandestine machinery of lies, guile, and subterfuge that rules this earth today; well balanced, factually accurate reading content often seems more like a fairytale that anything else. Consequently, it is necessary to warn readers not to cast negative judgment on things and ideas that are unfamiliar and new to them. The world is confused and falling apart because people have refused to question comfort-zone, traditional ideology and bluntly rejected novel, unfamiliar ideas as wrong and false. The irony here is that the world's peoples have flatly rebuffed and rejected the truth and have given their lives to protect and promote rank lies; dry, empty philosophies; and false, polluted sociopolitical systems that are not in their best interest. And, paradoxically, nowhere in the world has this strange, sociological paradox become more evident than right here in the United States.

The ship of the world economy virtually sank under Republican control during the Bush Administration and the United States practically became a sprawling poorhouse with a formerly vibrant machine of food pantries and hand-out outfits running out of oil just about everywhere. Many universities were (and still are) unable to function in the absence of these much-needed food pantries to help students make ends meet as the parents funds evaporated in thin air. The Republicans lost the Presidential Palace (White House is viewed by some as a symbol of racial bias) to the trig, spruce, natty Barak Obama who promised Americans change that they could take home; but four years later, in the wake of an almost one trillion dollar stimulus package-most of which went straight into the pockets of rich, Jewish bankers-to stimulate the economy, Americans are worse off today than they were back then. Why is this so? It is because the current American political system is not set up for ordinary Americans to succeed.

During the past decade or so, the cost of college education has grown at an exponential rate. This gate-keeper factor essentially strains the college applicants purely on the basis of economic superiority. It is a quaint, giant filter that sifts out the wheat (rich, prosperous Americans) from the chaff (poor, struggling Americans); but few have taken notice of this major revolutionary development in twenty-first century-American society. While all this is going on, the American middle class has virtually vanished; and the gap between the "Have" and the "Have Nots" has continued to widen; transmogrifying American society into a regular third-world country with two distinct classes: The rich an d the poor. Who did American war heroes go to the battlefield to protect: Ordinary Americans struggling to make ends meet or aristocratic, secret society henchmen with private and public agendas? You be the judge.

Hey, my name is Moulton Mayers (Straws). I am a philosophical scientist, science fiction writer, poet, and star guitarist. Most people think that they know the world in which they live and accept a lot of things as given. The truth is that if most people really knew the world in which they, they would lead entirely different lives. Have you ever wondered why, although the world is run by the brightest minds and the best of geniuses, it is awash with tears and disturbing evening news? Have you ever thought why the finest minds from the most prestigious universities in the world cannot straighten things out in this world? What is the origin of of war? Sure, all that does not bother you because no storms are blowing in your neck of the wood right now; but think about it: Why are you so evasive and dismissive about the nature and reality of the world in which you live? Could it be that you have been brainwashed to ignore these awful real-world occurrences and behave as if they are merely fairy tales when indeed you know that they are not. The world has been brainwashed by the guileful machine of the media to view things the wrong way. The world has replaced books with machines and turned people into dehumanized automotons. The world's smart boys have literally snatched books from reading lovers' hands and replaced them with trashy, technology-driven entertainment. Aren't you tired of the empty rat race for more treasure, pleasure, and entertainment in a rapidly disintegrating world? Doesn't that bother you sometimes? Hey, let's talk about it and let me show you the real world that you think you know so well. Go to my website and leave me a comment.

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The Way for Prosperity - Student Chat

The world has progressed so fast and to such an extent, that all of the people of the different nations, countries etc. are responsible for the betterment of their future. Every man, women, child and elders are said to be the backbone of today's economy and wealth. But people who affect the progress of a country the most are the children. Children, since early age have been believed to change the future. They have the strength to mold the system and change the ideas of people. Therefore, for a brighter future, student chat programs should be organized and even a society should be formed with the same perspective.

Student chat programs are the ones in which various forms of important information is imparted to the students. The knowledge given to the students helps in changing the point of view of students. It helps them out by opening their minds and makes them think and ponder upon various facts. This helps the country as the students start to think, suggest and apply new points that will change the destiny of the nation. It will help them to attain the ever greater heights of glory. Thus the role of student chat societies is very important as it enables them to get various ideas from it and then form a new perspective and plan that will aid the state.

The student chat societies with the aim of forming a firm that will help in communicating between various students will help out students to express their inner self and exchange ideas. It will help them to know what others think about a particular topic or field and also will be able to dictate theirs. These student chat forums give birth to new ideas and concepts which help out in improving not only the pillars of the country but also the strength and governing of it as well. This blesses the nation with prosperity and success.

The student chat firms in a university, helps out to find the mistakes, flaws and the errors in the governing of university. These societies within the academia help out the elimination protests and lack of interest of students in the attainment of education. It also helps to stop the formation of student parties that work for the harm and ill will of the management of the institution which gather the sympathies of the students who are unable to convey their concerns to the authorities.

Student chat is a great way to know the concerns and new ideas of the people. It is a great way to make a firm, whether it is a government body or a local one, to be successful and prosper.

Student Social and Academic Network

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A Look at Auto Glass Repair and Replacement

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Friday 16 March 2012

Explore The Great Opportunities To Teach English In Korea

There are many schools in Korea where one can teach English. If you possibly have an interest to teach in Korea, then it is recommendable for you to explore the great opportunities to teach English in the many private and public schools. These opportunities enable English teachers to earn a good living, to experience the Korean culture and have an amazing travel experience in the country. However, when seeking job placements in the country, it is always essential to utilize well reputed agencies so as to get connected with the best schools and for a smooth experience when seeking a visa to work in the country.

Teaching English in this country is an incredible opportunity to lead a unique lifestyle. Korea has a rich culture and teachers get to socialize with locals and students as they explore the best sides of what the country has to offer. Once you get a job placement in the country, you will find that the experience will also help you to discover and learn more about yourself. The country is peaceful and students are always willing to learn. This means that teachers have an opportunity to impact the life of students because it is not only all about teaching, but also making friends and exchanging ideas with them.

There are many lucrative opportunities to teach in Korea because the country needs English teachers. It needs teachers for the country to grow economically, socially and culturally. This is attributed to the fact that there are many people from different parts of the world flock to Korea as visitors for business, vacation, to study and to work. Therefore, for these people to communicate efficiently, they have to know English. What's more, the country hosts global meetings and sports events that attract a large number of people from different parts of the globe. For them to communicate they have to know English whether it is for a business deal or a social talk.

Korea is indeed a vibrant country and it offers lots of entertainment. There are many places to visit, things to see, cultural events to participate in and historic sites to visit for those who love history. For this reason, teaching English in Korea offers an incredible opportunity for teachers to enjoy a great traveling experience and enjoy the best of different worlds. You gain an incredible experience while travelling to different parts of Korea and while working in the country hence, making your experience a memorable and exciting one.

If you teach English in Korea, you will get to interact with young students and enjoy an experience of a lifetime. Additionally, there are many benefits to enjoy bearing in mind that it is rated one of the best countries in the world, where teaching English is fun, exciting and offers many opportunities because many students love the language. What's more it is a diverse country with great schools and amazing citizens. Therefore, it is always a two-way learning experience for both the teacher and the student. The opportunities offer an incredible experience while enabling you to improve your life with good pay.

Trying to teach in Korea? Teach English in Korea by getting a job placement with Travel and Teach Recruiting Inc. One of the leading ESL recruiting agencies providing free placements for teachers who are teaching in Korea. Visit for more information.

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Freudian Basics

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Car Care 101: How To Identify the Mystery Liquid Dripping From Under Your Car

Picture this: you walk into your garage and right before you hop into the driver's seat of your car you spot a puddle of weird-looking mystery liquid dripping onto the garage floor, you also notice that it came from underneath your car. How will you know if your car is safe enough to drive and that it will not explode in a huge fireball?

Knowing the types of mystery liquid that have the possibility of leaking from underneath a car is a basic knowledge that the manliest of men should know, so here are the ways you can identify the weird puddle from underneath your car and diagnose what problem your car may have.

Engine Coolant or Antifreeze

Coolant/antifreeze is usually green in color, but sometimes it comes in orange or pink, and it has a slightly thick and sticky feel to it when you rub it in between your fingers. If your car's radiator runs out of coolant then the engine will overheat and break down; keep in mind that it's cheaper to fix a leak in the cooling system than having the engine overhauled. Check your car's radiator, radiator lines, because they are the most common causes of these leaks.


It is quite easy to know if your car is leaking gasoline, just use your nose. You will surely smell spilt gasoline even if you do not see a puddle of this flammable liquid. Though it sounds life threatening, a gasoline leak is still not a very serious problem; in fact lots of cars leak gas in some form or another. But there is still the danger of your car exploding 10 feet into the sky if you leave the fuel leak unchecked.


New motor oil is slightly reddish in color; old oil turns brown and sometimes pitch black. It is only natural for your car's engine to leak oil, but only if you find it seeping out from in between the engine block and valve cover. If you notice that oil is actually dripping down from your engine compartment then you have a problem. This may be the result of a cracked gasket, improperly fitted oil filter, or it may be less serious like leaving the oil cap loose.

Brake Fluid

If you find a pale yellow liquid that has a slightly oily feel to it on the garage floor, then your car is leaking brake fluid. In cases like this it is better to have your car towed to the mechanic's because you sure can't drive it there! You may have a ruptured brake line, most likely near the wheels. The leak may also come from directly underneath the brake pedal. Do not even attempt to drive your car if you suspect that you are leaking brake fluid, it's not worth it.

These are just some of the most common selection of mystery liquid that you will find dripping from underneath a car and you would do well to become familiar with them. Knowing what kind of fluid is gushing out from your car may one day save your life!

Like this article? There's lots more where this came from, just visit Its your go to guide to help you Become a better man.

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A Flashback To The Living Conditions Of Women And Children Incarcerated By The Japanese In WWII

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Five Amazing Facts About Auto Windshield Replacement

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Carmine "Lilo" Galante - The Cigar

He was as vicious as Mafia boss Vito Genovese, as ambitious as Vito Genovese, and he was deeply involved in the heroin business as was Vito Genovese. However, Carmine "The Cigar" Galante, would not die of natural causes as did Vito Genovese (albeit in prison). Instead, Galante was murdered in one of the most memorable mob hits of all time. After his body was filled with lead, he lay sprawled on his back in the tiny backyard patio of a Queens restaurant, his trademark cigar clenched tightly between his teeth.

Camillo Galante was born on February 21st, 1910, at 27 Stanton Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Because both his parents, Vincenzo, a fisherman, and his wife (maiden name Vingenza Russo) had been born in the seaside village of Castellammarese del Golfo in Sicily, Galante was a pure first generation Sicilian/America. Galante had two brothers and two sisters, and when he was in grade school, Galante ditched his given name Camillo, and insisted he be called Carmine instead. Over the years it was shortened to "Lilo," which was the name most of his associates called Galante.

Galante first got into trouble for petty theft from a store counter when he was fourteen years old. But since he was a juvenile at the time, an account of this arrest is not in his official police record.

At various times, Galante attended Public High Schools 79 and 120, but he dropped out of school for good at the age of fifteen. Galante was in and out of reform school several times, and was considered an "incorrigible delinquent."

From 1923 to 1926, Galante was ostensibly employed at the Lubin Artificial Flower Company at 270 West Broadway. However, this was a ruse to satisfy the law that Galante was gainfully employed, when, in fact, he was engaged in a very lucrative criminal career.

In December 1925, Galante was arrested for assault. However, money changed hands between Galante's people and crooked policemen, and as a result, Galante was released without serving any prison time. In December 1926, Galante was arrested again, but this time he was found guilty of second degree assault and robbery, and sentenced to two-to-five years in prison. Galante was released from prison in 1930, and in order to satisfy his parole officer, he got another sham "job" at the O'Brien Fish Company at 105 South Street, near the Fulton Fish Market.

However, it was not Galante's nature to stay on the right side of the law. On March 15th, 1930, five men entered the Martin Weinstein's shoe factory on the corner of York and Washington Streets in Brooklyn Heights. On the 6th floor of the building, Mr. Weinstein was in the process of getting his weekly payroll together, under the protection of police officer Walter De Castillia of the 84th Precinct. The five men took the elevator to the 6th floor. While one man stood guard at the elevator, the other four men burst into Mr. Weinstein's office. They ignored the $7,500 sitting on the table, and opened fire on Officer De Castillia, a married father of a young girl, with nine years on the force. Officer De Castillia was hit six times in the chest and he died instantly.

The four men walked calmly back to the elevator and joined their cohort, who was guarding the elevator operator Louis Sella. Stella took the five men down to the ground floor. He later told the police that the men had exited the building, calmly walked to a parked car, got into the car, and fled the scene. When the police arrived minutes later from the station house just 2 blocks away, the killers were nowhere to be seen. Sella described the five men as "early to mid-twenties, with dark skin and dark hair." Sella said the men were all "very well-dressed."

The police theory was, that since no money had been taken, that this was a planned hit on Officer De Castillia. On August 30, 1930, Galante, along with Michael Consolo and Angelo Presinzano, were arrested and indicted for the murder of Officer De Castillia. However, all four men were soon released due to lack of evidence.

On December 25th, 1930, four suspicious men were sitting in a green sedan on Briggs Avenue in Brooklyn. Police detective Joseph Meenahan just happened to be in the area. He spotted the men in the sedan, drew his gun, and approached the sedan cautiously. One of the men shouted at Meenahan, "Stop right there copper, or we'll burn you."

Before Meenahan could react, the firing commenced from the green sedan. Meenahan was shot in the leg, and a six-year-old girl walking nearby with her mother was seriously wounded. The driver of the sedan had trouble starting the car, so the four men leaped from the sedan and tried to escape on foot. Three of the men manged to flee the area by jumping on a passing truck, but the fourth man slipped as he tried to get onto the truck and was apprehended by the wounded Meenahan. That man was Carmine Galante.

When Meenahan brought Galante to the station house, a group of detectives, angry that one of their own had been wounded, started to give Galante the "police station tuneup." Despite getting his lumps, Galante refused to give up the identities of the men who had escaped. He was subsequently tried and convicted as one of the four men who had robbed the Lieberman Brewery in Brooklyn. On January 8th, 1931, Galante was remanded to Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York. He was later transferred to the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York, where he remained until his release on May 1st, 1939.

While Galante was in prison he was given an IQ test that revealed he had a lame IQ of only 90, which, even though Galante was well into his twenties, equated to a mental age of 14-years-old. It was also noted that Galante was diagnosed as having a "neuropathic psychopathic personality." A physical evaluation showed that he had a head injury incurred in a car accident when Galante was 10-years-old, a fractured ankle when he was eleven, and that Galante was showing the early signs of gonorrhea, probably incurred at one of the many brothels controlled by the mob.

In 1939, after he was released from prison, Galante was again given sham employment at his old job at the Lubin Artificial Flower Company. In February of 1941, Galante obtained membership in Local 856 of the Longshoreman's Union, where he ostensibly worked as a " stevedore." However, it is likely Galante very rarely showed up for work; one of the perks of being a member of the Mafia.

There is no record of the exact date, but Galante was induced as a made member of the Bonanno Crime Family in the early 1940's. Despite the fact his boss was Joe Bonanno, at the time the youngest Mafia boss in America, Galante performed many hits for Vito Genovese, all throughout the 1930's and 1940's.

While Genovese was in self-imposed exile in Italy (he was wanted on a murder charge and flew the coop before he could be arrested), Genovese became fast pals with Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Mussolini had a stone in his shoe in America called Carlo Tresa. Tresa was causing Mussolini much agita by incessantly writing anti-fascist sentiments in his radical Italian-language newspaper, Il Martello, which was sold in Italian communities in America.

Genovese sent word back to America to Frank Garofalo, underboss to Joseph Bonanno, that Tresa had to go. Garofalo gave Tresa contract to Galante, who shadowed Tresa for a few days to determine the best time and place to whack him.

On January 11th, 1943, Tresa was walking along Fifth Avenue near 13th Street, when a black Ford sedan pulled up along side him. The Ford stopped and Galante jumped out, hot gun in hand. Galante blasted Tresa several times in the back and in the head, killing the newspaper editor instantly. Amazingly, Galante was seen by his parole officer fleeing the scene, but due to the wartime rationing of gasoline, the parole officer was unable to follow the black Ford containing Galante and the smoking gun. No arrest were ever made for the Tresa slaying.

In 1953, Bonanno sent Galante to Montreal, Canada to take control of the Bonanno Family interests north of the boarder. Besides the very lucrative Canadian gambling rackets, the Bonannos were heavy into the importation of heroin, from France into Canada, and then into America - the infamous French Connection. Galante supervised the Canadian drug operation for three years. But in 1956, the Canadian police caught wind of Galante's involvement. Not having enough evidence to arrest Galante, they instead deported Galante back to America, classifying Galante as "an undesirable alien."

In 1957, Genovese called for a big summit of all the top Mafioso in America, to take place at the upstate New York Apalachin residence of Joseph Barbara, a captain in the Buffalo crime family of Stefano Magaddino. In preparation for this meeting, on October 19th, 1956, several New York crime bigwigs were summoned to Barbara's home to go over the guidelines of the proposed meeting; the prime purpose of which was to anoint Genovese as the Capo di Tutti Capi," or "Boss of all Bosses."

After the meeting ended, driving on his way back to New York City, Galante was nabbed for speeding near Birmingham, New York. Because his driver's license had been suspended, Galante gave the police a phone one. He was immediately arrested and sentenced to 30 days in prison. However, the tentacles of the Mafia also reached right into the police department in upstate New York. After a few mobbed-up New York lawyers made the right phone calls to upstate New York, Galante was released within 48 hours. Yet, a state policeman named Sergeant Edgar Roswell took note of the fact that Galante had admitted to the police he had stayed the night before at the Arlington Hotel, as host of a local businessman named Joseph Barbara. This prompted Roswell to pay especial attention to the Barbara residence in Apalachin, New York.

Less than a month later, on November 17th, 1957, at the insistence of Don Vito Genovese, Mafia members from all over America made their way to the Barbara residence. These men included Sam Giancana from Chicago, Santo Trafficante from Florida, John Scalish from Cleveland, and Joe Profaci and Tommy Lucchese from New York City. Galante's boss Joe Bonanno decided not to attend, and he sent Galante instead.

Sergeant Roswell took note of the fact that on the day before the nearby Arlington Hotel had been booked to the rafters with suspicious-looking out-of-towners. Roswell asked the right questions, and he was able to confirm that the man who made the reservations for these men was Joseph Barbara himself. Roswell drove to the Barbara resident and he spotted dozens of luxury cars parked outside, some with out-of-town plates.

Roswell called for back-up, and in minutes, dozens of state troupers arrived with guns drawn. The troupers raided the Barbara residence and chaos ensued. Men wearing expensive suits, hats, and shoes bolted from the house. Some were immediately arrested; some made it to their cars and drove off the property before roadblocks could be put in place by the police. Others jumped out of the windows and hightailed in through the thorny woods. One of these men was Carmine Galante, who hid in a cornfield until the police had left the Barbara residence. Then made his way back to Barbara's home, and made arrangements for his safe passage back to New York City.

The next day, when the news of the raid on Barbara's house hit American newspapers, blowing the lid off the misguided idea that the Mafia was a myth, Galante went into the wind, or in mob terms, he "pulled a lamski." On January 8th, 1958, the New York Herald Tribune wrote that Galante had run to Italy to hook up with old pal Salvatore "Lucky" Luciano, who was in exile in Italy, after serving nine years in American prison on a trumped-up prostitution charge. Another report said that it was not Luciano Galante was with, but rather Joe "Adonis" Doto, another mob boss in exile in Italy. On January 9th, the New York Journal American said Galante was not in Italy at all, but in Havana, Cuba, with Meyer Lansky, a longtime member of the National Crime Commission, who had numerous casino interests in Cuba.

In April 1958, it was somehow leaked that Galante was now back in the United States and living somewhere in the New York area. The local law went to work, and in July, Galante was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics while he was driving near near Holmdale, New Jersey. He was charged with taking part in a major heroin deal, one of many Galante had been involved with. Also arrested in the same case were Vito Genovese, John Ormento, Joe Di Palermo, and Vincent Gigante. Galante, again making use of his cadre of New York attorneys, was released on $100,000 bail. Galante's lawyers were able to delay any further legal proceedings for almost two years. It wasn't until May 17th, 1960, that Galante was formally indicted, and again released on bail.

On January 20th, 1961, Galante's trial finally began, and the judge, Thomas F. Murphy, revoked Galante's bail, ordering Galante to be put right into the slammer. However, Galante's luck held up when, on May 15th, a mistrial was declared. It seemed the foreman of the jury, a poor chap named Harry Appel, a 68-year-old dress manufacturer, had the misfortune of falling down a flight of stairs in a building on 15th Street in Manhattan. After the medics arrived and Appel was taken to a nearby hospital, it was determined that Appel had suffered a broken back. No one had seen Appel fall, nor did the hurt and frightened Appel say that anyone had pushed him. However, although they had no definite proof, law enforcement believed that Appel had been pushed by a cohort of Galante's, with a warning not to say anything to anybody, and they would allow Appel and members of his family to live.

Galante, now feeling alive and chipper, was released from prison, secured by a bond of $135,000.

Alas, but all good things must come to an end.

In April 1962, Galante's second trial commenced.

At the trial, there was a bit of mayhem in the courtroom, when one of Galante's co-defendants, a nasty creature named Tony Mirra (who was said to have killed 30-40 people) became so unhinged, that he picked up a chair and flung it at the prosecutor. Luckily for the prosecutor, the chair missed him and landed in the jury box, forcing the frightened jurors to scatter in all directions. Order was restored to the court, and the trial proceeded, which was bad news for both Galante, and for Mirra. Both men were found guilty, and on July 10th, 1962, Galante was sentenced to thirty years in prison. Mirra also was sent to prison for a very long time. It is not clear if any additional time was tacked onto Mirra's sentence for the chair-throwing incident.

Galante first was sent to Alcatraz Prison, which was located on an island fortress in San Francisco Bay. He was then moved to the Lewisburg Penitentiary, in Leavenworth, Kansas, before serving the final years of his prison term in the United States Penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia. Galante was finally released from prison on January 24th, 1974, all full of fire and brimstone, and ready to get back into business. However, Galante was to be on parole until 1981, so he had to be careful not to keep a high profile. Unfortunately, being in the background was not in Galante's makeup.

While he was in prison, Galante made it known that when he got out of prison he was going to take control of the New York Mafia by the throat. The accepted head of the five New York City Mafia families at the time was Carlo Gambino, the head of the Gambino crime family. Gambino was shrewd, and generally quiet and reserved; well-respected for his business acumen, and his ability to keep peace amongst his own family, as well as the other Mafia families. However, Galante had to use for Gambino, or his method of doing business.

By the time of Galante's release, his boss Joe Bonnano had been forced to "retire," and was living in Tuscon, Arizona. The new Bonanno boss was Rusty Rastelli. But since Rastelli was in the slammer at the time, Galante took over as the "street boss" of the Bonannos. Still, Rastelli was considered the boss of the Bonannos, and was none too happy about how Galante was strutting his stuff on the streets of New York City.

Galante took the unusual step, and not appreciate by other Bonanno crime family members, of surrounding himself with Sicilian born Mafioso like Caesar Bonventre, Salvatore Catalano, and Baldo Amato. Theses men were derisively called "zips" by the American Mafia, due to the quick way they zipped through the Italian language. These zips were heavily involved in the drug trade, and in direct opposition to those in the Genovese Crime Family, which was run by Funzi Tieri, every bit as cunning and vicious as Galante.

Galante had a minor setback, when in 1978, he was arrested by the Feds for "associating with known criminals," which was a violation of his parole. While Galante stewed in prison, he began ordering his men to kill mobsters in the Genovese and Gambino crime families, who were cutting in on Galante's worldwide drug operation. With Carlo Gambino now dead (from natural causes), Galante figured he had the muscle to push the other crime family bosses into the background. From prison he sent out the message to the other bosses, "Who among you is going to stand up against me?"

On March 1st, 1979, Galante's was released from prison and walking on air because he truly believed the other crime bosses were afraid of him. Like Vito Genovese before him, Galante envisioned himself as "Boss of All Bosses," and it was only a matter of time before the other bosses cowered before Galante and handed him the title.

However, Galante underestimated the might and will of the other Mafioso bosses in New York City. While Galante swaggered around the streets of New York City, the other bosses held a meeting in Boca Raton, Florida, deciding Galante's fate. At this meeting were Funzi Tieri, Jerry Catena, Paul Castellano, and Florida boss Santo Trafficante. These powerful men voted unanimously, if mob peace was to exist in the streets of New York City, Galante had to go. Rastelli, who was still in jail, was consulted, and even the aged Joe Bonanno, living in Arizona, was asked if he had any reservations at his former close associate being hit. Both Rastelli and Bonanno signed off on Galante's murder contract, and Galante's days were numbered.

On July 12th, 1979, it was a hot and sticky summer day, as the 69-year-old Carmine Galante's Lincoln pulled up at 205 Knickerbocker Avenue, in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn. For more than 50 years, Knickerbocker Avenue had been the turf of the Bonnano crime family, and over the years numerous mob sit-downs had taken place in one of several storefronts on the block.

Carmine Galante stepped out of the Lincoln, then he waved goodbye to the driver: his nephew James Galante. Carmine Galante was wearing a white short-sleeved knit shirt, and, as was his custom, he was sucking on a huge Churchill cigar. Galante strutted inside the tiny restaurant, and was greet by Joe Turano, the owner of Joe and Mary's Restaurant. Galante had made this visit to meet with Turano, and with Leonard "Nardo" Coppola, a close associate of Galante's, over some undetermined mob business.

At approximately 1:30 p.m., Cappola strolled into the restaurant, accompanied by zips Baldo Amato and Cesare Bonventre, who were cousins, and from the same village as Galante's parents: Castellammarese del Golfo. By this time Galante and Turano had already finished their meal, so while the three newcomers sat inside and had their lunch, Galante and Turano slipped outside into the backyard patio, and sat under a yellow-and-turquoise checked umbrella. After Cappola, Bonventre, and Amato finished dining, they joined the other two men outside. Galante and Turano were smoking cigars and drinking espresso coffee laced with Anisette (only tourists and non-Italians drink Sambuca).

Galante was sitting with his back to a small garden, while Amato sat to his left and Bonventre to his right. Turano and Cappola sat on the opposite side of the table, their backs to the door leading to the restaurant.

At approximately 2:40 p.m., a four-door, blue Mercury Montego double parked in front of Joe and Mary's Restaurant. The car had been stolen about a month before. The driver, wearing a red-striped ski mask that covered his face, stepped out of the car and stood guard, holding a.3030 M1 carbine rifle menacingly in his hands. Three other men, also wearing ski masks, jumped out of the car and jogged into the restaurant. They sped past the few startled diners who were still eating lunch, and rushed into the patio area.

As they entered the patio, one masked man said to the other, "Get him, Sal!'

The gunman called "Sal" began firing a double-barrel shotgun several times at Galante, propelling Galante, as he was rising from his chair, onto his back. Galante was hit with 30 pellets, one knocking out his left eye. Galante was probably dead before he hit the ground, his cigar still stuck tightly between his teeth.

As Galante was shot, Joe Turano yelled,"What are you doing?"

The same gunman turned to Turano, and with the shotgun pressed against Turano's chest, he blasted Turano into eternity.

Cappola jumped up from the table, and either Amato, or Bonventre (it's not clear which one did the shooting) shot Cappola in the face, then five times in the chest. Cappola landed face down, and the killer with the shotgun, blasted off the back of Coppola's head.

The three masked men then hurried from the restaurant, and into the waiting getaway car. According to witnesses outside the restaurant, the car sped up Knickerbocker Avenue to Flushing Avenue, then disappeared around the corner. Bonventre and Amato, who were both wearing leather jackets despite the stifling heat, soon followed the three gunman out of the restaurant. They calmly walked down the block, got into a blue Lincoln, and drove away, like they had nary a care in the world.

Galante's body was laid out in the Provenzano-Lanza Funeral Home at 43 Second Avenue on the Lower East Side. The crowds that usual accompany a Mafia wake of this kind were notably absent. Galante was buried on July 17th at Saint John's Cemetery in Queens. With the Feds doing the counting, only 59 people attended Galante's funeral mass and burial. The Feds also reported that not one Mafia made man was captured on surveillance cameras, either at the wake, or at the funeral.

One Fed, commenting at the sparse turnout, said, "Galante was so bad, people didn't want to see him, even when he was dead."

Even though the newspapers played up the killing with gruesome front page photos, the general public seemed imperious to the magnitude of the event. A young boy strolled up to a police officer standing guard the wake.

"Was he an actor?" the kid said to the cop.

The cop replied, "No, he was a gangster."

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Thursday 15 March 2012

Getting Scheduled Maintenance Done On Your Car

If you want to save a lot of money on your car's fuel and operating costs, you need to make sure that it gets the scheduled maintenance work that it needs from time to time. Most of the time, cars are provided with schedules as to when they will be serviced by the manufacturer in order to avoid inconveniences. Breakdowns and repair works are naturally more costly than maintenance services. Before coming up with an effective maintenance schedule, you need to consider a number of things first.

Before getting a scheduled maintenance service done on your car, you should first know where you are going to bring your vehicle for a proper check-up. You need to find a reputable auto repair shop that will help you tune-up your car to its best performance. You can ask your family and friends if they know a good mechanic or other people who can recommend a good auto repair shop. Doing a search online can also help you look for a professional mechanic. It is also much better to look for a mechanic that is located in your area so that you won't have a hard time bringing your car to his shop. After you have found your mechanic, you need to make a scheduled appointment with him depending on the schedule of your maintenance stated in your car's manual. Write it down in your planner so that you will not forget it. Some of the most common maintenance services that your mechanic should do to your vehicle are tire alignment, tire rotation, oil change, and cleaning of sparkplugs and air filters.

Aside from putting your schedule in your planner, you can also put a reminder in your calendar about the upcoming maintenance day for your vehicle. This will give you enough time to plan your appointment with your mechanic in advance. You can also do other preventive maintenance measures personally such as checking the traction of your tires so that your mechanic will not overlook them.

One of the most important things to check before driving your vehicle to your destination is the pressure of your tires. You also need to make sure that your spare tire is in good condition. You should also check your brake fluid in order to avoid accidents that might happen on the road. Your brake fluid is very important since this will make sure that your brake pads function well. The power steering fluid should also be checked before driving since this will make sure that you have full control on your steering wheel. The hoses located beneath your car should also be inspected if they are leaking or not. Never neglect these important preventive maintenances. They may be small tasks but they are of great importance if you want to drive safely on the road.

If you want more details about scheduled maintenance in Georgetown TX and other related auto repair services, you can visit Lansdale Automotive website or their shop personally.

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3 Reasons That Can Cause Your Heavy Duty CV Joints to Malfunction

Honda heavy duty vehicles are powerful motors made for giving excellent performance. The CV joints are one of the most essential parts of a Honda heavy duty vehicle as it is integrated with the engine to give a smooth movement. If the CV joints are not cared for properly they can derail and the vehicle's performance will be affected. Many people make careless mistakes with the joints and that causes the vehicle to lose its optimal performance while also costing more. Here are several mistakes you need to avoid making when it comes to maintaining Honda Heavy Duty CV joints.

1. Neglecting Regular Maintenance

People usually leave vehicles unchecked for months and this could lead to dust and debris being accumulated in the engine. The CV joint is forced to rub against this debris and this causes friction which in turn gives a rough drive instead of a smooth drive. You must check the engine and heavy duty CV joints after every few drives to ensure that there is no gathering of dust and hard materials. You should regularly maintain both the interior and exterior of your vehicle if you want it to shine and sparkle along with giving off first class performance.

2. Not Keeping the Chassis Clean

The chassis is one part that is most often overlooked and this is where most of the debris and mud gather. Mechanics usually consider a dirty debris accumulated chassis to be the root of all mechanical disasters. It is important that you regularly clean and maintain the chassis twice to thrice a month. If you neglect this step and keep it dirty, your engine will suffer a breakdown and end up costing you a hefty amount for a good repair.

3. Not Applying Lube Accordingly

While applying lube, make sure it is neither too much nor too less. Also make sure to check the engine as well as the joints and the areas around for any sign of lube leakage. Take your vehicle to the mechanic if there is any sign of leakage. Always be sure of the quantity of lube applied. It should be good enough to prevent friction but should not be over applied as that can cause leakage.

Always create a proper maintenance schedule and stick to it. Take care of your vehicle and avoid mistakes that will prove costly and become a hassle for you in the future.

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The True Meaning Of The Swastika Symbol

The swastika symbol is an equilateral cross with arms bent at the right angles in either its right-facing body or its left. Originally had the powers of protecting and bringing Good to all who own one, meant good wisdom or mark of knowledge. There is evidence of swastika-shaped ornaments that date from the Neolithic period found in the Indian Subcontinent.

The symbol came to the dark side in the Nazi period due to Hitler's interest in the occult and supernatural. Hitler's interest changed the original meaning of the symbol. Most of the world did not get to see it had a good meaning because of the Nazi regime. Ironically and despite of the misuse of it the true meaning of swastika prevailed.

Despite the fact that the Nazi party used the power of the swastika for a negative reason, many parts of the world still use the Swastika's "good luck" image in their lives. Scholars made connections of the symbol to the Greek and Indo-Iranian cultures, and it is also known fact that the use of the symbol was in many cases non-political. In the early 20's the image and the message it had changed and came to be adopted by the Nazis as their seal. The Nazi party claimed that because the Aryans were the fathers of Germans their fate was already foretold. According to the Nazi party the link between the swastika and the Indo-Iranian cultures made a statement for the rest of the nations that the world should subjugate to Germany.

After all the pain that this belief brought to the world, we forgot or did not recognize the true meaning of Swastika. Today still in use in many countries, the Swastika marks a significant and beautiful piece in the structure of buildings, and towns have being named after it.

In India is especially used both as a geometrical symbol and a Religious one, and it is still a charm for good luck there. Often I write about the fact that uniforms and symbols change the minds of people, what a perfect example we have with the swastika symbol.

The swastika remains one of the most influential religious symbols in Hinduism Jainism and Buddhism and is found adorning temples and religious shrines throughout Asia. A mark of knowledge, it sure will be a good connection to a new year and a new beginning. Let's find a better tomorrow during 2012.

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Important Considerations for Choosing Nursing Programs

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Tales of a Driving Instructor

Who would have thought that as a Driving Instructor I would have found it so difficult to write my first blog or article. After all, whenever someone asks me "So what do you do?" and I reply "Driving Instructor", it usually is followed by many stories beginning with "I passed first time", or "I had 40 lessons and I'm still a terrible driver", or "How much are driving lessons nowadays"? So I thought my first article would be about some of the funny incidents that have come my way during the last ten years or so while I have been teaching people to drive in the Swansea, Neath and Llanelli area's of South Wales.

"You must have the patience of a saint" is something I hear quite often as a Driving Instructor, to which my reply is usually "Yes, you're damn right i do!" As a Driving instructor you don't need to just have patience, you need to have it and then some, and then some more. I remember once spending a few hours with a pupil at the start of his driving lessons teaching him the basics of turning right and left at junctions. It was clear early on that his steering was going to require some work, as he was unable to safely navigate one junction without me having to grab the wheel to stop us hitting the kerb or swerving into the middle of the road.

At one point during the lesson we were driving along a completely straight road, (now to me and you that would mean holding the wheel still, right?) when all of a sudden he pulled the wheel sharply left and as I was grabbing the wheel and braking we mounted the kerb and stopped, half on the kerb half on the road. Having safely driven forward and parked I asked him "Is there any particular reason why you have steered us onto the pavement on this straight road? to which he replied "But there was a massive bee by my window", "But your window was closed?" I said, "Oh yeah" came the subdued reply.

Another frequent disaster area can be roundabouts, I remember teaching a fairly middle aged man to drive (I subsequently found out that he had been driving around Swansea for years on a provisional licence!) and asking him to turn right at a roundabout would often fill me with dread, as rather than drive around the roundabout he would forget and try to steer the wrong way into oncoming traffic. After this happened a few times (and yes I did grab the wheel to stop it in time) I asked him why he would do 2-3 perfect roundabouts and then every now and then completely forget how roundabouts work, his reply was usually "I didn't realise it was a roundabout". Me saying "At the roundabout turn right" clearly wasn't enough of a clue, without mentioning the big circular island in front of him, oh and the traffic signs.

This particular gentleman never did pass his test with me, as when I found out that he was continuing to drive on his own having never passed his test I reported him to the police and refused to teach him anymore.

So yes I suppose we do need a lot of patience.

Iwan Williams has been a Driving Instructor for almost ten years, teaching people in the Swansea, Neath and Llanelli area's of South Wales. For more information on his well established and highly respected Driving School go to

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Is an Attention Deficit Disorder a Learning Disability?

This question is difficult to answer, probably because so many people really don't know what these two disorders are, and they don't realize that they are very different disorders diagnosed in very different ways. The confusion lies in the fact that most people think that anyone who has trouble being successful in school must have a learning disability. To them LD covers everything. If we could teach the world the facts about LD and AD/HD, then I'm sure there would be a dramatic increase in the number of people interested. The fact is that both disorders affect an individual's performance.

Generally speaking, these are the groups with the most interest: (a) parents who have a child who is struggling to learn and perform, (b) teachers who are seriously concerned about the strugglers, (c) the children, teenagers and university students who have diagnoses, (d) adults who have diagnoses, and (e) employers who have workers with difficulties. Then, (f) there are the people like me who through education, experience, and motivation continually seek ways to support, counsel, and teach all of the above individuals how to cope with their problems.
One becomes far more interested when LD and AD/HD are understood, even with a basic understanding of the following information.

Learning Disabilities:

There is a problem processing information. We receive information through our senses, organize it, store it, recall it, and use it. When you have a learning disability, one or more of these areas functions well below average.

To diagnose a learning disability, two things must be proven. (a) The person has at least average intellectual ability, and (b) The person's performance in one or more areas, such as reading, writing, mathematics, fine motor skills, and others, is at least one and a half years behind expectations for his/her age and grade level.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

There is a problem with behaviour in one or more of these areas:

Attention: The person is highly distracted by sights, or sounds, or thoughts.
Impulsivity: The person often speaks or acts immediately on impulse.
Hyperactivity: The person is often fidgety and in motion as if driven by a motor.
Diagnosis proves that the problem occurs 24 hours a day in all situations.

Interestingly, all of us exhibit some of these symptoms and behaviours to a minor extent. I have been diagnosed with ADD as a result of my thoughts constantly interfering with my focus of attention.

Paul is a retired educator who started as a classroom teacher, became a specialist in special education, and worked at a provincial demonstration school for severely learning disabled students, as a provincial consultant in LD for all elementary and secondary schools, and a coordinator for a national program for adults with LD. Paul has also been a counsellor for parents, college students, and adults, and he spent 2 years working directly with struggling students in Sweden.

Paul is an accomplished speaker who is currently writing a book for teachers.

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Monday 5 March 2012

Online Yearbooks Are Almost a New Tradition

So many traditions have been passed along from generation to generation. High school is filled with many of those traditions and rites of passage. There are very few people that don't participate. Students buying yearbooks each year is a must for most and with the technologically savvy students of today, they have changed that tradition slightly. Online yearbooks have seen a surge in popularity in recent years.

Online yearbooks are digital copies of a traditional yearbook. There are some people that don't like the thought of the yearbook being an online option but there are many that are great fans of it. Either way, it may be a new twist on a time honored tradition.

Online yearbooks are yearbooks that are maintained on a website. These websites may require handling through a third party or a specific department may feel comfortable in maintaining the website and making sure it is consistently available for viewing.

To create these online yearbooks, schools may decide they would like to have the faculty members complete the actual process from start to finish or they may still elect to have an official yearbook staff. Most schools choose to have a yearbook staff so that there can be coverage from all the school events available.

Once the staff and yearbook committee are ready to create the online yearbooks, they must contact the company that will have their website. Once the website access is established, the committee should decide what graphics and design to use for the yearbook. The yearbook should always have a uniform look and be easy to read. After the design has been picked, the content should be uploaded.

The biggest argument people have with online yearbooks is that there can't be any signing of their friends' yearbooks. That isn't true anymore. In some software packages, students can give permission to others to sign their yearbook pages and it is visible for viewing. It is a welcome solution that was a large problem for students.

The cost of making a traditional yearbook is more than some schools are comfortable spending. With all the pages that have to be copied, bound and shipped, many have found online yearbooks to be a great solution. The costs to produce the online versions are minimal when compared to the expense of producing the physical yearbook. With the expenses reduced, schools see a profit very quickly when selling an online yearbook.

There are so many different reasons schools are considering online yearbooks. There aren't many schools that haven't considered it. The time held tradition of having a yearbook will remain. Newer generations will leave their mark on it for future generations, like their ancestors did for them.

I'm a school principal with a passion for writing about high school yearbooks.

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Parenting Smart Kids: Finding Schools For Gifted Children And More

All parents want to believe their kids are brilliant. Whether children walk early or start to read before ever attending a day of school, parenting smart children can be a challenge. Parents need to spend a little extra time each day making sure their young learners are getting the attention and care that they need to grow academically. One of the best ways to do this is to find schools for the gifted, but that's not the only way to make sure they are getting the academic stimulus they need.

Providing Support

Supporting smart or exceptionally talented students should be a family affair. If your child is skilled in something like math, don't just rely on your local school to help cultivate this talent. What they really need is parent involvement. If your school isn't able to offer advanced placement classes, look into some classes that will take place after school or on weekends. If you're not sure where to look, ask your child's guidance counselor or teacher for suggestions on how to find these programs. Many colleges offer programs for students from advanced orchestras and choirs to academic bowls and other types of academic contests -- the key is just finding out about them.

Support isn't limited to students, though. Parents who have extremely bright kids might find themselves in need of support. Look for a parenting group that focuses on getting exceptional kids and adults together for support meetings and social situations. Other parents are likely facing the same challenges and might be able to help you with situations when you're not sure how to proceed.

Finding Schools For Gifted Children

Another option is finding schools for the gifted. These special gifted schools tailor their programs especially toward kids that are exceptionally blessed academically, musically or in other ways. At these institutes, many programs can be tailored according to a child's talents. Schools for gifted children know that academic achievement isn't one size fits all. Some children might have an exceptional aptitude for literature, while others could need to be challenged in math. Gifted schools are typically smaller academic institutions, which means the teachers there will be able to closely monitor your child's success and provide one on one attention in every subject.

Discipline Is Still Important

Many parents are uncomfortable with disciplining their exceptional students. However, just because a child is special, that doesn't mean she's an adult in a child's body. It's still important for parents to teach their kids how to behave and to not assume that just because they're highly intelligent that they automatically know how to behave in every situation. Parents don't need to be strict disciplinarians, but they do need to let their children know that parents make the rules.

Parenting bright kids isn't as easy as most people think. There are special challenges that come along with raising a special child. Finding schools for gifted children is only one way you can help nurture your child's achievements. The most important thing is that you are an engaged parent who cares about your child's well-being.

The Chicago Area Independent Gifted School Network is a network of gifted schools in Chicago. Interested parents can receive information on schools for gifted children in one easy to navigate site. To learn more about these schools for the gifted, visit their website.

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Nursing Careers: Is There Still A Significant Nursing Shortage In America?

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Online Graduate School May Provide A Flexible And Worthwhile Undertaking For Students

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Nursing School - Become A Nurse And Break Into The Exciting Medical Industry

Nursing is one of the fastest growing professions in the medical industry, and the first step towards reaching that goal is to find a top notch nursing school. For anyone who wants to get into this exciting career, there are many quality nursing programs available to choose from, but first you have to have a plan of attack.

Nursing School Pre-Requisites

Some pre-requisites for getting into nursing school are having a high school diploma, or at least a GED. You have the option of either embarking in your journey to nursing immediately after high school, or you can begin as a nurse's assistant and then gradually work your way up, which is a great way to get valuable work experience. Either way, nursing school is a must.

If you are starting out as a nursing assistant before looking into nursing programs, you will first need to get your Certified Nurses Assistant Certificate. This usually takes about 6-12 weeks to finish, and it will teach you the basics of patient care-- such as taking vital signs, drawing blood and developing a bedside manner. These are all important practical skills to learn, and you will use them frequently in nursing school as well.

The next step is to become a Licensed Practical Nurse, or LPN. There is a huge demand for LPNs, and the process takes about 12 months at either a community college or other practical nursing school. This training entails both text book learning and also hands-on training, and once you complete this coursework you will need to pass a state issues exam in order to achieve your certification.

Becoming a Full-Fledged Nurse through Nursing School

Many LPNs then go on to become a Registered Nurse, or RN. At this point there are two different types of nursing programs. There is the BSN degree, which gives you a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. This is the most common degree taken by LPNs at a nursing school. You can also get a AND degree, which is an Associate's degree. This takes half the time of a BSN, but your job choices may be somewhat more limited. Depending on how much previous work you've done in school, you may be able to get your RN degree in 12 months, and with both types of degrees you will get a high level of in the field experience, and more work opportunities than a nurse's assistant.

Some people may prefer the old fashion college experience, which is still possible, but if you are bent on following this path, you may end up in school years longer than you'd need to spend at a more flexible nursing school. Once you have achieved a BSN, you have a world of opportunities open to you, including going into a specialization such as anesthesiology, or becoming a nurse practitioner.

In this time of economic upheaval, it can be comforting knowing that your job is secure, and nursing is one job that is certain to always have room for growth. Doctor's will need nurses for clinics, hospitals, and other medical facilities, and as the average lifespan grows, so too will the need to hire highly skilled nurses. If this seems like an interesting career for you, then why not join the best nursing school in town?

CAN - Nursing School Bronx NY, the location of choice for Nursing Education. Our Bronx NY Nursing Program prepares students for a wide variety of healthcare careers.

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Sunday 4 March 2012

Occupy the White House

It occurred to me recently that reform is impossible with the people we have elected; obviously our government works for the 1%. One of the best candidates we have for president is Buddy Roemer, but the system is so corrupt that they don't allow him in the debates with one pretext or another; besides, the elections could be rigged.

Therefore, I propose organizing a massive walk to Washington to ask for Obama's resignation. We elected him to work for us and instead he is working for the corporate oligarchy; it is our constitutional right to replace him at any time. They did it in Egypt. We can do it here!

We choose a date and depart from New York, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego to meet in Washington DC at another set date (we can use vehicles part of the way if necessary). By the time we get there, enlisting occupiers along the way, we should number on the thousands. And we occupy until we install a new president and replace the Federal Reserve System (a banking cartel that stole our government in 1913 - it is unconstitutional) Please check: The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second look at the Federal Reserve, by G Edward Griffin.

It is paramount to do this because there is overwhelming e v i d e n c e that 9/11 was an inside job ( AE 9/11 Truth ) which means that our political system is so corrupt that it would be impossible to start our new country without cleaning house and bringing the guilty to justice, and no system can exist long without justice... justice for all!

Besides, without a clean-up, an honest president would be thrown into a nest of vipers and his chances to survive would be slim. If you have any doubt that JFK was assassinated by the 1%, I suggest reading: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why he Died and why it matters. By James Douglass.

Native Americans should be invited to participate in this march as they have been immorally ignored and marginalized for too long. It is time for them to claim their right place in our society. We can learn much from their culture.

And we must keep in mind that the reason the 1% is in power is the apathy and lack of caring of the 99%. When we loose our virtue we are easy prey for vipers. It is a must to realize that everything is interconnected and we are all part of a Whole, and when we help others we help ourselves. What would the world be like if when we get up in the morning our first thought would be to help others... do unto others what is best for them?

That said, for the occupy movement failure is not an option, for if the movement fails the future is bleak indeed; what the corporate oligarchy is doing is not only serious, it is e v i l.

Let's get it done!

S (Rio) Guzman is the author of A Vagabond in Mexico published originally by Nomads Press in 1993; and also The Eye of the Dragon: Stalking Castaneda published Nov 21 2011. To know more please visit: Rio Guzman's Journal S (Rio) Guzman Copyright © 2009. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached

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Outstanding French Women - Matilda of Flanders

Matilda of Flanders confounded the traditional views of women in Medieval society and she influenced the history of both England and France. Born about 1031 she was descended from Charlemagne and was niece of the current King of France. She was married to William, Duke of Normandy, later known as William the Conqueror, William I of England but is remembered in her own right.

She was Queen of England from 1068 and was occasionally William's regent. Many revere her as the artist of the Bayeux tapestry but scholars now doubt that she was directly involved. Nevertheless, she achieved a lot in her lifetime.

William of Normandy proposed marriage to Matilda of Flanders in 1053, and, according to legend, she first refused his proposal. He is then supposed to have pursued her and thrown her on the ground by her braids. Despite her father's objections after that insult, Matilda, stubbornly independent, then accepted the proposal. But there were still obstacles in the way of the marriage - at first Pope Leo IX refused permission claiming that the couple were too closely related. Permission was finally granted in 1051 after Matilda agreed to pay for the building of the Holy Trinity for nuns at Caen.

When William was preparing to invade England, Matilda outfitted a ship from her own money and gave it to him. But after William conquered England and became its king, it took her more than a year to visit her new kingdom. Matilda was crowned queen in Winchester Cathedral in 1068, taking the formal title for the first time of "Regina". Her ancestry added some credibility to William's claim to the throne, as she could trace her history back to Alfred the Great. William realised that he couldn't rule England by the sword alone and, to win the hearts and minds of his new subjects, he gave his wife a prominent role. The English were said to be fortunate to be ruled by the ability and wisdom of the queen and during William's frequent absences, she served as regent although she did spend most of her life in France. That England wasn't entirely consumed by violence is tribute to Matilda's great diplomatic skills.

In 1077, Matilda secretly sent money to support her eldest son, Robert Curthose, when he suggested that he should become the ruler of Normandy and Maine. When William refused, Robert rebelled and attempted to seize Rouen. When the rebellion failed Robert was forced to flee and William denounced her a s a "faithless wife" but she eventually managed to persuade the two men to end their feud.

After Matilda and William separated, she spent her last years in Normandy, at l'Abbaye aux Dames in Caen -- the same abbey she had built as penance for her marriage. When she died after a long illness in Normandy on 3rd November 1083, Matilda of Flanders was buried in her church in Caen. William commissioned an exquisite monument "wonderfully worked with gold and precious stones" and is said to have given up hunting to express his grief. Without her he became increasingly tyrranical.

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What's the Story With Alloy Wheels?

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What to Do If Your Windscreen Cracks

When you're in a rush and you notice you have small damage to the windscreen on your car, it's tempting to just continue driving as normal, especially if the damage is as such that it doesn't obstruct your vision. Because a damaged windscreen can drastically reduce the structural strength of your vehicle, it's actually very dangerous to stay on the road, even if the damage is simply a chip.

The nature of a car's windscreen is multi-functional. It protects the driver from wind and debris as they speed through streets and along motorways, but it also plays a large part in keeping your vehicle safe to drive in. Not only does it protect you from objects in the air in front of your car as you drive, but it provides extra structural strength to your vehicle and, if that strength becomes compromised, so does your safety.

Even just a chip in the windshield can prove extremely dangerous. Glass tends to continue breaking once the damage has started and, while a chip may seem to be a fairly safe issue, the damage is actually putting you in great danger. A simple knock over a pothole could make the chip splinter into a crack, and a crack means your windscreen's strength is greatly reduced. If your windscreen has a crack in it, you should have the glass replaced immediately - even if it's on the other side of the car from the driver's line of vision. The crack won't just obstruct your view - it will make the glass weaker, more likely to shatter and far less capable of protecting you if you got into an accident.

Depending on what the damage is and where it's located, you'll need to either repair or replace the damaged windscreen. If you're lucky, you may not have to get an entire replacement. If the damage is fairly insignificant and easy to deal with, such as a small chip, there is a chance you can simply have the damage sealed and repaired, bringing your windscreen back up to full strength. Many glass repair companies have windscreen repair supplies with them as they respond to calls, so you could get yours fixed immediately. If the damage is larger or the chip is immediately in front of the driver, however, you will probably need a windscreen replacement. Even if this is the case, it's worth knowing that you will be driving in a far safer vehicle.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article about windscreen cracks and windscreen replacement has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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Who Is the Most Decorated American War Hero?

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Why Nursing School Makes Sense In Today's Economy

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Friday 24 February 2012

When You May Need Auto Repair Insurance

Buying a new or new-to-you vehicle is full of fun and exciting decisions. If it's a brand new car or truck, maybe you get to pick out the color and interior comfort features. If it's a used car or truck, maybe you get to bargain on the price and choose where you want to buy to get the best deal. However, before you enjoy your new car or truck, you will also have to make important decisions about insurance. Most of us are familiar with collision and comprehensive insurance coverage, but few realize that auto repair insurance can also protect us from costly bills at our local garage.

Similar to other types of home or life insurance, auto repair insurance is flexible and can be fully customized to meet your needs. You decide your monthly contribution and pick a bumper-to-bumper package with policies and coverage that fits your needs. This type of insurance is often especially important for those of us that like to drive older vehicles. You can extend the life of your car or truck with regularly scheduled maintenance appointments that ensure everything is running smoothly. Auto repair insurance can help cover those costly bills before they add up and break the bank.

As is true with most things in life, you get what you pay for. There are conservative and cheap insurance plans available, but you can't expect them to cover all types of repairs. These smaller packages are usually only good for common and pre-determined repairs. If something happens outside of those limits, you are stuck with the full bill. Conversely, very comprehensive and expensive plans may not be ideal for individuals that have new cars or trucks. These are often covered by the manufacturer's warranty for a certain period of time, so paying extra just doesn't make any sense.

Discuss auto repair insurance with a broker near you today to learn more about this type of comprehensive financial coverage that helps you get the most life out of your vehicle for the smallest investment. In the end, a small short-term investment can help you save lots of money in the long-run. By choosing the plan that is right for you and your vehicle, you virtually guarantee savings on emergency repairs and regular maintenance tasks. By taking the time to find a personalized policy that fits your needs, you will make sure you aren't overspending up front and will enjoy the savings for months on end.

For New Orleans auto repair that fits your schedule and budget, drive on in or visit us online at to learn more about us.

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Thursday 23 February 2012

When You Need Auto Repair and When It's Just the Battery

Your car won't go very far if you can't get it started. No matter what other good qualities and new parts exist on your vehicle, without a good battery, you will be stuck in the garage for a long time. Battery maintenance requires little to no attention on a regular basis. Most batteries will last several years through winter and summer and their life expectancy depends mostly on the brand and the type of extreme weather you have lived in.

The design of a battery allows it to store power when the car or truck isn't running in order to be able to start the engine when you turn the key. If you don't have any obvious signs of battery drainage, but wake up to a dead battery every morning, there are a few things that may be contributing to your problem. Forgetting to turn off your headlights is one thing, but needing to replace the alternator is another.

Even when the key is in the off position in the ignition and the battery is technically not being used, there are several live currents that can draw electrical circuit power from the battery. In general, it is good to keep in mind that batteries last three to four years on average and will start to lose their ability to hold and generate a charge as time goes on.

If your battery is new, your lights have been turned off, and you can't determine a source for the overnight drain, then you will have to jump the battery to get the vehicle started. From there, you can test the alternator and charging system. The alternator failing is one of the most common causes for batteries to lose their charge overnight. Auto repair shops should be able to help you evaluate the alternator and install a new one for you if necessary.

As with any problems that involve your car or truck, be sure to take your vehicle into an authorized auto repair shop. This will ensure that the problem is fixed properly the first time and that you avoid any expensive complications of making mistakes trying to fix it yourself. These professionals know how to handle these problems and will get you back on the road in short order. You will enjoy the experience of trusting professionals and the peace of mind it provides knowing your vehicle is in good hands.

Car won't start or running poorly. No matter what the problem, New Castle auto repair experts at can help get you back on the road.

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Windshield Replacement - The Ultimate Guide

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Windshield Replacement - The Facts About Auto Glass and Insurance

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You Check Your Car Tyres, But Don't Forget Your Wheels And Rims

If you have been reading our articles, then by now you should be aware of the importance of checking your car tyres regularly, both tyre pressure and tyre condition. It is time to talk about your vehicle's wheels and rims. They also need to be checked regularly as they can have a dramatic effect on the driving performance of your car.

There are two types of wheels, the first of which is an alloy wheel, commonly known as an 'alloy' or 'rims'. This is a type of lighter steel wheel originally designed to save weight and increase speed. In more recent years alloy wheels have been more frequently used primarily for style and aesthetics, but they are still considerably lighter than the alternative. Many different types of alloy wheels are now on the market and include special alloy wheels for 4x4s, and even vans. This is a new development as alloy wheels have only been fitted to vans by manufacturers very recently.

The second type of wheel are stronger and heavier, made purely from steel. Steel wheels were not originally designed with any concessions made for style, but in recent times styled steel wheels with wheel trims have come to the market, making these wheels a much more attractive alternative.

At this time of year in particular, damage to your car tyres and rims from pot holes is an unfortunate everyday occurrence on UK roads. If you know you have driven over a pot hole, or bumped into the curb, it is crucial that you check the tyres and the wheels on the car for damage. A knock like that can take chunks out of the tyre, so you should look out for any abrasions on the sidewalls and circumference of the tyres. Even if you can see no visible damage on the outside, a bump can reduce the pressure of your tyres, and if it was a severe bump, there could be internal damage to the tyre which a garage would need to check.

As for your wheels, any knocks to them can affect the balance of the car, or cause vibrations. In severe cases, a shock to the wheel can cause so much stress that the wheel cracks. Repairing or replacing it could be very expensive, but if the wheel failed while you were driving at speed the consequences could be devastating.

It is quite common for people to bump the outer rims of their wheels and hardly worry about it at all. However, they aren't just there to look pretty, they also help keep the car's tyres in place and maintain tyre pressures, so if you knock them against a curb or pothole, make sure you check your tyre pressures quickly, and consider taking the car into a garage to see if the wheel needs repairing.

For those of you with sportier cars, you may want to change to bigger wheels than your car was originally fitted with. Something to keep in mind is that the overall wheel plus tyre circumference must not increase. This can be achieved by having a lower profile tyre and this is why car manufacturers fit low profile tyres & big alloys to their sporty models.

Buy cheap car tyres online from the UK's friendliest tyre company!

At Grippy, we believe that saving money on tyres shouldn't mean sacrificing on quality. We believe in good old-fashioned tyre service, which means a fast, efficient response, high-quality tyres and an easy-to-use booking system. Rely on Grippy to provide the best prices for UK tyres online and keep you on the road.

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Thursday 9 February 2012

What To Look Out For When Buying All Weather Tires

When thinking about purchasing new all weather tires for your car, you need to consider different factors. Tires are one of the most important components in any car since they won't run without them. You should know what kind of terrain that you usually drive your car on so that you will know how robust your tire should be. They should be durable enough to last for a long time. Having a good set will ensure that you won't encounter road accidents whenever you drive your car. All weather tires are starting to become a popular choice today because of their features. When you want to get these for your car, you need to consider some things.

The first thing that you need to consider in buying a set of all weather tires is where and how you're going to drive your car. Most wheels are designed to survive even the toughest of all weather conditions but you need to know how you are going to use them and the kind of terrain you are going to drive them on. The type that you choose must be specifically designed to cater to your style of driving and the type of terrains you usually drive on. If you're going to drive your car over tough and rocky terrains, you need to choose models that provide extra traction. If you're going to drive in a city environment and want smooth handling, less traction is needed.

Secondly, you need to know how to determine whether the ones you have one your car already need to be replaced. This is inevitable since they are highly subjected to wear and tear. When trying to replace one of them with a new one, it is ideal to replace them with the same size, style and brand as the others that you have on your vehicle. You can easily learn a lot of information about them by reading their sizing details. The information stated on them are as follows: "P" stands for "passenger vehicle"; the next number indicates the width; next is its height that is indicated in terms of ratio of its height to its width; and last is the wheel's diameter. This information is very important when getting replacements. Your mechanic is going to look at these details before he installs any replacements on your car.

Third, you need to look for a reliable dealer. You need to shop around in order so you can find the best deal available in your area. Never fall for fake pieces that look exactly like original ones. Make sure that your chosen dealer is legitimate and the products he offers are original.

You should never try to do installs yourself unless you're an auto repair professional. Even though you have already experienced doing so in the past, this task is much better left to the hands of professionals. Professional mechanics can also check the condition of the rest of your tires. They can also perform wheel alignment and address other problems that you might have overlooked yourself.

Visit the Lansdale Automotive website if you want more information about all weather tires in Georgetown TX and other automotive products.

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When You May Need Auto Repair Insurance

Buying a new or new-to-you vehicle is full of fun and exciting decisions. If it's a brand new car or truck, maybe you get to pick out the color and interior comfort features. If it's a used car or truck, maybe you get to bargain on the price and choose where you want to buy to get the best deal. However, before you enjoy your new car or truck, you will also have to make important decisions about insurance. Most of us are familiar with collision and comprehensive insurance coverage, but few realize that auto repair insurance can also protect us from costly bills at our local garage.

Similar to other types of home or life insurance, auto repair insurance is flexible and can be fully customized to meet your needs. You decide your monthly contribution and pick a bumper-to-bumper package with policies and coverage that fits your needs. This type of insurance is often especially important for those of us that like to drive older vehicles. You can extend the life of your car or truck with regularly scheduled maintenance appointments that ensure everything is running smoothly. Auto repair insurance can help cover those costly bills before they add up and break the bank.

As is true with most things in life, you get what you pay for. There are conservative and cheap insurance plans available, but you can't expect them to cover all types of repairs. These smaller packages are usually only good for common and pre-determined repairs. If something happens outside of those limits, you are stuck with the full bill. Conversely, very comprehensive and expensive plans may not be ideal for individuals that have new cars or trucks. These are often covered by the manufacturer's warranty for a certain period of time, so paying extra just doesn't make any sense.

Discuss auto repair insurance with a broker near you today to learn more about this type of comprehensive financial coverage that helps you get the most life out of your vehicle for the smallest investment. In the end, a small short-term investment can help you save lots of money in the long-run. By choosing the plan that is right for you and your vehicle, you virtually guarantee savings on emergency repairs and regular maintenance tasks. By taking the time to find a personalized policy that fits your needs, you will make sure you aren't overspending up front and will enjoy the savings for months on end.

For New Orleans auto repair that fits your schedule and budget, drive on in or visit us online at to learn more about us.

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Thursday 26 January 2012

Where to Find Affordable Classroom Stuffs

Classroom stuff is important in learning of every student. From handling some cleaning materials up to playing with toys, children can possibly acquire lots of knowledge. And this will enhance their cognitive and personality skills. With the low economy we experience nowadays, a lot of businesses have increased the price of their final product to procure losses.

Since our economic status is low, consumers are really trying their best to acquire discounts in every essential material that they purchase. Buyers are looking for a retail store that gives quality, yet affordable amount. Good thing, there are lots of stores which offer low prices when you purchase in bulk. All you have to do is to become wise in weighing in which shop offers best. But what are the important things to remember when buying?

1. When purchasing, canvass first your desired product. If possible, compare their prices with different stores. This takes a considerable amount of time. So when planning to buy equipment like classroom rugs, you must do it for at least 3 months before the class opening. Anyway, classroom decors and kids wall decals should be completely arranged before school year begins. This is for the benefit of children.

2. Try to purchase those items in a pile. Some stores offer discounts when you buy their products in an enormous number. Remember that you can only save money if you pay lesser tax in a product that is purchased in bulk.

3. Try to reconsider applying on some mall cards wherein they allow you to have a lesser payment, if you meet the desired points needed to acquire discounts. In this manner, they will keep you in their top-most consumer lists. Moreover, stick with this certain company so you can gain lots of benefits in the long run.

Now that we are already knowledgeable in some techniques, it is time to focus on where we can find stores that offer affordable amount.

1. Surplus Stores

This shop offers variety of classroom stuffs, however since it is surplus, you can acquire second-hand products. The advantage of this is you may really buy it in a cheaper amount, but problem may occur when you focus on the quality it can give. Furthermore, they rarely give some guarantee in regard with their sale items, so when it is worn out, there's a high chance that you need to re-invest for brand new furnishings.

2. Online Shops

It will surely provide an idea on the product's advantages and disadvantages. They will help you to outweigh the best furnishings suitable for your school. Price will be mentioned and some discounts will be given. However, you may not be able to manually check its quality before purchasing.

3. Exclusive Boutiques

Try to invest in some boutiques which offer various products exclusive for your classroom. Since they specialize these particular materials, you will ensure its quality. Problem will be focused on its affordability. If this is the case, you can try to loan first so it may impart you enough time to pay them. Just ascertain that you pay their arranged interest on time - for you can possibly face some dilemmas when you experience delays in paying debts.

It's really difficult to find some stores that can offer higher discounts. However, if we become wise in purchasing necessary materials, we will be able to guarantee quality while assuring affordability.

Melody Andes enjoys writing for which sells kids wall decals and classroom rugs as well as a host of additional products.

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